
A woman from an isolated Viera village somewhere deep within the Dark Shroud. Born small and pale, even for the Veena, she was named Eithne, small as a kernel as she was. Growing up, her fragile constitution and smaller build made her unsuitable to the trades of her people, namely hunting and forestry. Adding to this, she was blessed (or cursed, to some) with the Echo at a young age, further alienating her from her fellow villagers; her feverish devotion to Hydaelyn leading her to dream of a life much different from what she knew.

As she grew older, the effects of Eikon summoning on the land around her became self-evident, the Viera's duty to the forest becoming more and more difficult to fulfill, and the Echo's call became stronger with each day. This continued until she reached her breaking point, where she eschewed her people's secrecy and chased the Mothercrystal's voice out of the forest, in hopes of fulfilling the destiny she knew was laid out for her. Choosing to retain her name, believing such a practice to be senseless, she took on a surname to align with Eorzean practices. Eithne Cuinn, a small kernel of Hydaelyn's authority. Without much but her elementary healing magicks and the firsthand experience of the Eikon scourge, she embarked on the journey of a lifetime.

Has your journey been good, Eithne?